Nonviolence Journal and Workbook

Nonviolence Journal and Workbook: 108 Prompts for Peace

My new book, Nonviolence Journal and Workbook: 108 Prompts for Peace, is now on Amazon in paperback only. This was first draft of the back cover:

With a drumbeat of violence in our media and on our screens, it is more important than ever to embark on a daily practice of nonviolence. This journal and workbook will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal development bringing more peace, purpose, meaning and deep relaxation to your life. But it does not stop there. This journal and the companion book, Nonviolence in this Moment, are designed to assist you in connecting all the areas of your life to your practice of nonviolence. The journal prompts, questions and activities can be used for private reflection, writing, drawing, doodling or recording. This set of questions can also be used to prompt discussion in a classroom, training or a support group dedicated to any nonviolent cause.

Beginning with self-reflection and self-assessment you will evaluate your thoughts, words, actions, daily habits around violence and nonviolence.For those with a life purpose that includes helping the planet be more peaceful and just, there are questions and prompts about activism, social justice, protest, pacifism and solidifying your own boundaries around self-defense. 

After this self-reflection, it is time to take your nonviolent practices and habits out to all the places you live and work. From a strong sense of self, you will move to assessing your intimate relationships. There are prompts to guide your thinking about your relationship and communication. When personal relationships get strained or emotions are hard to control you will discover the timeless techniques used in nonviolent communication, anger management and letting go of anger. Controlling emotions is critical. Practicing your nonviolent communication skills in all your relationships will transform your loved ones too!

For those with children, positive nonviolent parenting is emphasized including prompts about age appropriate moral development and understanding emotions. Teaching nonviolent social skills, deep relaxation and daily meditation to kids and teens can be a challenge with so many online distractions. Teachers, day care workers, social workers and any professional working with children or teens can employ nonviolent communication. 

Managing emotions is important for families, big and small. Mindfulness, emotional intelligence and nonviolent communication skills become even more important as children move through the teenage years. Parents, teachers and caregivers can help children and teens discover deep peace merged with a powerful, nonviolent purpose driven life. 

Partners, relationships, raising children, families and our communities are all environments where we can stand against violence. But there is more. There are prompts addressing the violence that faces towns, cities, countries and the planet. Outline all your hopeful and powerful responses. Design all the actions you will take. Plan your future. For those who are overcoming adversity, there is hope. Evolve your pain and trauma into compassion, then help your family, community, town, city and country do the same. 

There is more information on my Amazon Author page. Thank you for clicking!